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Trenbolone Side Effects – Testosterone Enanthate Cycle, Dosage And Alternatives

trenbolone side effects

If you’re looking for a way to increase muscle growth, a quick search online will turn up plenty of images of bulging biceps and poppin’ veins, with the promise of getting bigger, leaner and stronger.

Since Trenbolone is incredibly well known and is one of the most powerful anabolic steroids on the market, it’s no surprise that the idea of tren bodybuilding is very tempting.

However, before you go grabbing a pack of needles and gearing yourself up for huge tren cycle results, it’s important to pay attention to Trenbolone’s side effects and potential impact on your body. And we don’t just mean getting stacked!

Before we get stuck in, let’s take a look at how Trenbolone works and why tren bodybuilding is so popular.

What is Trenbolone?

Developed in the 1960s, Trenbolone is considered an incredibly powerful anabolic steroid. While tren bodybuilding is well known in fitness circles, this wasn’t the original intention of Trenbolone. Yep, that’s right – it was created for cattle.

Originally developed to increase muscle mass and appetite in cattle, it wasn’t until 1980 that a new form of trenbolone was developed for people. However, yet again, trenbolone’s purpose wasn’t to help men get stacked at the gym. Its sole purpose was to help those suffering from AIDS, muscle wasting, and osteoporosis – later taken off the market in 1997.

Since tren side effects are so prominent, it’s no surprise that Trenbolone is no longer legal. In terms of how Trenbolone has been developed, tren is considered a modified form of another anabolic steroid you’ll most likely know – Nandrolone – Frequently referred to as Deca-Durabolin or Durabolin.

This drug has similar effects to testosterone, with slightly milder side effects.

Many bodybuilders choose to stack nandrolone and testosterone, in the hope of achieving even BIGGER muscle gains.

Since tren cannot be converted into estrogen (unlike other steroids), tren’s side effect of man boobs is reduced – kinda. But before we tell you more about Trenbolone side effects, let’s take a look at how Trenbolone works.

Trenbolone results: Why do people take tren?

Why is Trenbolone so popular? Despite being produced for cattle, tren bodybuilding still very much remains in bodybuilding circles.

With less risk of man boobs in comparison to other anabolic steroids, Trenbolone is incredibly powerful even at low doses. Since Trenbolone is so strong, dosage can start as low as 200mg per week, split into injections every other day.

If you’re a little more advanced, this can increase to 400 to 500mg. At extreme levels, a trenbolone dose can go as high as 800 to 1000mg! Although you may gain more from its androgenic properties such as fat loss, gaining lean muscle mass and muscle recovery, it seems pretty crazy and very unsafe. Even though you may consider yourself one of the professional bodybuilders, taking such high doses of something that wasn’t originally for human consumption probably isn’t wise and is likely to have adverse effects.

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As well as helping you get hench, the synthetic anabolic steroid, Trenbolone, can also enhance the production of red blood cells – therefore improving your circulation, equalling even more strength and stamina.

When we take a closer look at how androgen receptors work and why the Trenbolone hormone remains so popular, it’s important to pay attention to how our bodies respond to anabolic steroids. And no, we don’t just mean the muscle growth, there wouldn’t be room to boast about that if your body is suffering the side effects of Trenbolone acetate; with erectile dysfunction, elevated blood pressure and hair loss on that list, it’s important to keep a watchful eye.

Also Read: Beginner Steroid Cycle Guide

These androgenic hormones come flooding in the form of steroids, raising your testosterone levels – therefore telling your body to pack on the lean muscle tissue.

However, many beginner steroid users don’t realize that all anabolic steroids are actually derivatives of testosterone – meaning they more or less work the same way. Although their side effects can quickly cross over.

But what other results can you expect from Trenbolone acetate?

Tren cycle results

So what is it that makes Trenbolone so special? Let’s talk about tren cycle results.

Trenbolone, also frequently referred to as ‘tren’ is well known for its ability to increase the production of the insulin-like Growth Factor 1 (IGF-1) hormone, which plays a key role in muscle growth. This is a growth hormone that will boost protein synthesis and allow your body to pack on more lean muscle mass.

During studies, men using the potent anabolic steroid, Trenbolone acetate, gained 7 pounds of muscle on average, while adding 70 pounds to their squat and bench press weight. With this sort of muscle building effects you’re going to want to be lifting weights til kingdom come.

By stimulating the production of new cells, Trenbolone promotes growth, helping you achieve the body you dream of.

If you’re looking to build muscle fast – faster than testosterone – Trenbolone acetate will help you achieve this. Tren will support you in bulking up (muscle building), cutting fat (fat loss) and building strength – fast.

But, do these tren cycle results come with increased risk? Sorry guys, of course, they do…

What to expect on tren: Trenbolone side effects

During a tren cycle, you may gain muscle especially fast during the first 8-12 weeks. But don’t get too excited, however, as Trenbolone users have found these gains can rapidly disappear as quickly as they arrived.

The side effects of Trenbolone tend to cross over with many other illegal anabolic steroids. While bodybuilders and steroid users who may have previously just taken testosterone faced a number of problems, some of these are very much the same as tren side effects.

Many found that when taking testosterone that their increase in muscle mass would get even smaller for every additional increase in dosage. This would mean that gains of 14 pound in the initial 10 weeks could easily decrease to 9 or 10 pounds over the next 10 weeks – despite the dose doubling. So, when it comes to testosterone propionate, a higher dose doesn’t mean more muscle.

But why does this happen? Research suggests that our bodies become resistant to the effects of testosterone over time. In short, taking Trenbolone will boost your testosterone levels momentarily, but then damage your body’s natural production post-cycle.

Since your body’s levels have been artificially increased, the body works to lower this unusual amount to bring your T levels back to normal. Testosterone is one of the main sex hormones and when this is off, a number of problems can arise.

Also Read: Deca Durabolin Cycle – Side Effects, Risks, Stacks and Alternatives

Not only that but many steroid users experience suppression of their testosterone levels due to the effects of anabolic androgenic steroids. When the steroids produce testosterone and raise the levels in your body, over time your body will stop making it because it thinks your testosterone levels are fine.

Therefore, with your natural testosterone levels suppressed, once your cycle is finished, you may then experience low T. This is where the importance of post cycle therapy comes in.

While it’s easy to get caught up dreaming about the results of Trenbolone and transforming your body into a muscle machine, is it worth it?

Oily skin/Acne

If you’re wondering what to expect on Tren, be prepared to go back to your acne-ridden youth. One tren side effect is just that – super oily skin. While our skin produces natural oils, taking trenbolone pushes your sebaceous glands up a notch, producing more oil than your skin needs.

This can make you feel pretty clammy and gross, plus lead to some severe acne.

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While you may be happy that you’re getting stacked, a face full of pimples is probably not the look you were going for.

Reduction of natural testosterone levels and testicle size

As we already mentioned earlier, one Trenbolone acetate side effect (much like many other steroids) is its power to reduce your body’s natural testosterone production and suppress your testosterone levels.

Since steroids such as trenbolone increase your T levels artificially, when you stop your tren bodybuilding cycle, your testosterone levels don’t simply bounce back.

And so, sadly, one of the body’s main ways to reduce testosterone production is to reduce testicle size. But the size of your testes aside, a dent in your body’s testosterone can cause even more issues. Yep, your sex life can quickly suffer.

Otherwise known as ‘tren dick’ – Trenbolone’s side effects on the body means a huge decrease in testosterone, which can lead to erectile dysfunction (ED) and a lack of sex drive. Unfortunately, like every other steroid, this side effect of Trenbolone isn’t avoidable.

The only way to increase your body’s natural testosterone production and testicle size is to stop taking steroids. Even then… You’re looking at several months to get back to normal. If you’re an experienced user then you’ll also understand the importance of post cycle therapy to help your body recover from the androgenic anabolic steroids and restore your natural testosterone levels.

As if these side effects weren’t enough to convince you, here are some more.

Gynecomastia (man boobs)

But wait, Trenbolone can’t be converted into female hormone, estrogen and therefore can’t cause breast growth… Right? Well, it kinda can.

While Trenbolone enanthate may not increase estrogen levels, it can increase another feminizing hormone known as progesterone. This hormone is key for a number of bodily processes, including brain function, metabolism and the production of other hormones.

However, it is known the most for being the primary hormone involved in breast growth, menstruation and fertility.

Despite there being plenty of room for further research, some men have also reported lactation during a tren cycle. Yes, you read that right.

Not quite the hormone or desired look you were going for.

Tren cough

Tren cough is a pretty common Trenbolone side effect, that men experience immediately after injecting trenbolone. This can last somewhere between 5 and 10 minutes and usually disappears soon after, or the cough becomes less severe.

Also Read: First Steroid Cycle – Beginners Guide to Safe Steroid Cycling

But why does this occur? Tren cough could be due to Trenbolone’s impact on inflammatory compounds called prostaglandins.

It could be that Trenbolone immediately irritates lung tissue, causing you to cough as a way to expel the irritation.

Hair loss

A common side effect of many androgenic steroids, and particularly unattractive – hair loss.

Also Read: Looking For a Legal, Safe Alternative? Try TBULK

If male-pattern baldness is already in your family, stay well clear of Trenbolone since it can encourage this even quicker. Unless you fancy shaving all your hair off, it may be best to give Trenbolone a miss. It has been reported that this hair loss can be body hair too.

Other Trenbolone side effects

We could be here all day listing the many Trenbolone side effects and side effects of other anabolic steroids, but here’s a shortlist of other side effects you may experience while taking Trenbolone:

  • High blood pressure and maybe even ventricular hypertrophy
  • Higher cholesterol levels
  • Insomnia
  • Night sweats
  • Decrease in endurance
  • Heightened risk of brain, prostate and breast cancer
  • Heightened risk of permanent testicular atrophy, insulin resistance, heart disease and nose bleeds
  • Aggression

Is Trenbolone worth it?

Trenbolone is a serious and powerful illegal steroid, that we’d recommend staying clear of, especially if you’re a beginner. If you’ve never done a tren cycle, it’s probably best left that way! We know it may have muscle building and fat burning effects, but the side effects really should be enough for you to say no to every androgen receptor, including Trenbolone enanthate.

Pumping your body with artificial chemicals is just not worth the health risks, despite the potential gains. And even then, those gains can quickly disappear as quickly as they arrived.

Why not try a legal, risk-free alternative?

Whether you’re bulking, cutting or just wanting to work on your body composition, we’ve got you here at Brutal Force.

If you want to get stacked without the side effects? Then, you’re in luck. TBULK mimics the incredible androgenic effects of Trenbolone, so you can experience huge gains, increased strength and power.

What’s even better is you can experience all these GAINS without worrying about blood pressure, cholesterol levels or blood flow. Why is that? That’s right unlike other steroids, with TBULK there are ZERO SIDE EFFECTS.

With our 100% natural, safe and injection-free formula, get ready to:

  • Build muscle
  • Burn body fat to boost weight loss
  • Improve conditioning
  • Balance estrogen levels with no adverse effects

For BRUTAL results, stack TBULK with SBULK, the perfect combination to support your goals!

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