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Legal Steroid Alternatives That Work Fast

If you’re keen on bodybuilding and familiar with bulking and cutting cycles, you’ll be well acquainted with the following steroids. However, during your search for legal steroids that work fast and get you ripped, you may have noticed that many aren’t actually legal.

But you needn’t worry, as we’ve got legal steroid alternatives that’ll work fast without the side effects.

We’re going to take you through them in a little more detail – so you know exactly why our safe steroid alternatives are the go-to for building muscle.

Do legal steroids exist?

If you’ve been searching high and low for legal steroids that work fast, the hunt is over. Thankfully, legal alternatives to well-known steroids do exist. Legal anabolic steroids are the safe, legal alternative to ‘real’ steroids.

At Brutal Force, we’re known as pioneers in the legal steroid world, delivering cutting-edge steroid alternatives that work. Recognised by bodybuilders and athletes worldwide, we’re at the forefront of our industry – helping you build muscle, fast.

But what are our products all about? What do they promise to do? And which of our legal alternatives mimic which illegal counterpart? Buckle up, we’re about to tell you everything you need to know.

DBULK – A legal and safe Dianabol alternative

One of the best-known steroids around, Dianabol has long been used by athletes and the bodybuilding community. Frequently known as Anabol – its benefits include increased strength and size, in a short space of time. As this steroid is taken orally, it is often considered an entry-level steroid that helps bodybuilders bulk up quickly.

Despite its popularity, Dianabol isn’t a safe or legal steroid. There are a bunch of side effects associated with taking it, including acne breakouts, oily skin, baldness, fluid retention, virilization (in women) and even the dreaded man boobs. Of course, it hasn’t been made illegal for no reason. Dianabol is illegal – mainly due to its safety implications.

So what does all that mean? Well, thankfully, we have an alternative. DBULK is Brutal Force’s legal alternative to Dbol. Not only has it been created with 100% safe, natural ingredients, but there are zero side effects – so you can focus on your muscle gain.

DBULK’s natural ingredients include L-Leucine and vitamin D3, creating a powerful formula and 100% safe alternative to Dianabol.

DBULK will help you increase strength and muscle mass – but it doesn’t end there. Our formula included MSM to help reduce muscle soreness, so you can recover faster and work harder. Our safe steroid alternative will allow you to push more weight, build muscle fast and increase your testosterone levels – fast.


CCUT – Clenbuterol alternative

Surprisingly, Clenbuterol wasn’t originally designed for bodybuilders or athletes. Although it was created with the purpose of treating asthma, once its muscle-increasing benefits were discovered… Well, there was no going back. Clenbuterol’s benefits of increasing muscle size and decreasing body fat stores made it a go-to for bodybuilders looking to size-up.

All sounds great, right? Sadly, as with all illegal steroids, there are side effects involved. These can vary greatly from unpleasant to incredibly dangerous – including, chest pains, tremors, rapid breathing, increased heart rate, anxiety attacks and even heart palpitations. And that’s not even all of them.

So, what’s the safe steroid alternative? CCUT.

Unlike Clenbuterol, CCUT has ZERO side effects. That’s right, not a single one. Our 100% safe and legal steroid formula is packed with natural ingredients for ultimate cutting ability.

Mimicking the thermogenic and performance-enhancing properties of Clenbuterol, CCUT helps you to burn fast quicker than ever whilst keeping muscle.

Don’t lose the muscle you’ve worked so hard for – keep your gains and burn fat, FAST.

CCUT’s ingredients include vitamin b3 (as Niacin), garcinia cambogia, guarana extract and bitter orange extract – which forms an impressive punch of cutting ability. Used by bodybuilders the world over, there’s no need to worry about side effects, just concentrate on cutting weight, getting ripped and keeping lean.


TBULK – Legal Trenbolone alternative

Often sold under brand names such as Finaplix and Finajet, Trenbolone has long been a go-to for bodybuilders looking to bulk up. However, much like Clenbuterol, it wasn’t quite intended for that purpose. Not in humans anyway… Its official purpose is to increase muscle tone in cattle. Yep, you heard it right.

Again, it’s not legal and the risks are very real. This (cattle intended) steroid can result in the following side effects:

  • Low testosterone levels.
  • Male pattern baldness.
  • Increased facial and body hair growth.
  • Oily skin/acne breakouts.
  • ‘Tren cough’.
  • A decrease in good (HDL) cholesterol and an increase in bad (LDL) cholesterol.

Reportedly five times more effective than testosterone, we get why bodybuilders might risk these side effects. But is the risk really worth it?

So, what legal steroids can help you get ripped?

Enter TBULK.

TBULK mimic the brutal androgenic effects of Trenbolone, so you can enjoy intense muscle gains, increase power and strength. With no injections and zero side effects, our 100% natural formula cuts through stubborn fat and helps you retain and build muscle.


ABULK – Anadrol legal alternative

Commonly known as Oxymethalone – Anadrol is renowned for its powerful effects, increasing red blood cell production and increasing oxygen levels available to muscles. This combination allows your muscles to work harder and with greater strength during intense workout sessions.

But, you know what’s coming, right? There are of course… Side effects. These include digestive problems, dreaded man boobs (gynecomastia), hyperactivity and even insomnia.

So, what’s the safe steroid alternative to Anadrol? 

Say hello to ABULK.

Mimicking the effects of Oxymethalone (Anadrol), ABULK has zero side effects and all the power to pack an incredible punch. There’s no need for injections, either.

ABULK works by increasing oxygen flow into your muscles, giving you a surge of extreme energy, enhanced performance and faster recovery time. You better get used to lean muscle and no fat, with safe and legal natural ingredients.

Pack on some serious gains and become a beast – FAST.


SBULK – Sustanon legal alternative

SBULK is Brutal Force’s safe steroid alternative to Sustanon. So what’s the difference?

Both Sustanon and SBULK increase your testosterone levels – but unlike Sustanon, SBULK has no side effects and is completely legal.

Contrary to popular opinion, too much free testosterone can have a negative impact on a man’s health. From infertility to roid-rage (yep, that’s a thing), too much T in your system isn’t quite as great as it may sound.

Instead, a boost in testosterone to a naturally high amount through dietary changes and natural supplementation is the way to go. Although Sustanon may be considered the origin of all anabolic steroids, its side effects leave many looking for legal muscle building steroids instead.

SBULK works by pumping up your testosterone levels naturally. So there’s no need for illegal steroids. Our cutting edge formula is industry-leading, leaving you with huge muscle gains, strength and performance.


Legal steroids that work fast for cutting

If you’re dying to get ripped, but the side effects put you off, don’t worry. We’ve all been there. It can be a bit confusing at first glance, but it doesn’t have to be.

Our 100% safe, legal alternative CCUT should be your first choice for cutting fast. Mimicking the effects of Clenbuterol, CCUT’s natural formula burns fat quickly, helping you build a ripped physique. Don’t work hard, work smarter. Keep the muscle you’ve gained, burn fat fast and increase your energy – all with zero side effects.

Legal steroid alternatives for bulking

Getting lean gains doesn’t mean you need to turn to illegal steroids. Our 100% safe steroid alternatives help you add muscle like never before.

DBULK mimics the effects of the ever-popular (yet illegal) Dianabol – increasing muscle strength so you can push more and gain lean muscle, faster.

DBULK is a completely safe, legal steroid alternative that works – quickly.

The best legal steroids for stacking

If you’re looking for the ultimate stack combination, look no further. Our bulking and cutting stack forms the ultimate package for rapid muscle recovery, fast gains and increased testosterone – QUICKLY.

So, what’s included?

  • 1 x DBULK (which mimics Dianabol)
  • 1 x SBULK (which mimics Sustanon)
  • 1 x TBULK (which mimics Trenbolone)
  • 1 x ABULK (which mimics Anadrol)
  • 1 x CCUT (which mimics Clenbuterol)

If you’re gunning for gains and want to get shredded fast, this is the stack for you.



The use of illegal steroids has forever been a hot topic amongst bodybuilders and professional athletes. But when 100% safe and legal steroid alternatives are available, why risk it?

We’ve put our blood, sweat and tears into creating the ultimate formula – combining 100% natural and safe ingredients that will boost your endurance, strengthen your muscles and help you get ripped – FAST.

Take a look at our products for yourself. You’re just a click away from the body you dream of.

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We research and write articles about health, fitness and dieting. Each of our articles includes sources from scientific studies where possible.