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Should you drink protein shakes during a cut?

When you’re trying to cut fat and get as lean as possible, it’s no surprise that many consider cutting protein in the form of shakes.

By now, we’re well aware that upping your protein intake is important during a cut. Not only does a high protein diet help you in feeling full, but it also plays a crucial role in your cutting macros.

As well as curbing those snack urges, cutting protein can help protect lean muscle mass, keeping your gains while cutting fat.

But what getting your protein intake when cutting via protein shakes? We take a closer look at the best protein for leaning out and the best muscle drinks worthwhile during a cut.

Cutting calories during a cut

When you’re trying to cut fat, it can be as simple as tracking the number of calories you consume vs calories spent. When you burn more calories than you consume, you’ll naturally be in a calorie deficit – which is crucial for cutting fat.

While there are several factors that can affect your calorie deficit, the simple idea is to do more and eat less. During a cutting phase, your protein intake is incredibly important for both keeping you feeling full (so you don’t snack!) and maintaining lean muscle mass.

But hitting your protein macros during cutting can be hard work, which is where cutting protein comes in in the form of protein shakes.

Protein intake when cutting

By now, you’ve probably done multiple searches along the lines of, ‘how much protein while cutting,’ seeking the best protein for leaning out after determining your cutting protein intake.

Having to up your protein intake doesn’t always come easy. But what are the best muscle drinks for the job? We take a closer look at how cutting protein in this form could benefit your body.

Cutting weight supplements: Protein shakes

During a cut, your cutting protein macros are incredibly important in order to shed fat and protect lean muscle mass.

Usually, bodybuilders can expect a slight loss in muscle mass alongside fat loss, however, your protein intake helps to minimize this.

In order to increase muscle protein synthesis, you need to ensure your diet is rich in both protein and amino acids. While you can easily find this in high protein foods such as dairy, fish and meat, some protein-rich foods come with additional calories.

Also Read: How to deal with hunger during a cut

However, your protein intake when cutting is still important! This is why many men opt for protein powders for cutting – since they are low in calories and high protein.

If you’re looking for the best protein powder for cutting, you’ll need to choose one that is protein-rich but low calorie. Some of the best muscle drinks are as low as 100 calories, having little impact on your calorie deficit.

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What are the benefits of cutting protein drinks?

When you’re looking to get lean and maintain muscle mass, cutting protein in the form of protein powder can be a popular go-to for many bodybuilders.

But what are the benefits of some of the best muscle drinks?

Increases your daily protein intake

Not only are cutting weight supplements a convenient way to up your protein intake during a cut, but they’re pretty low calorie – hardly affecting your daily calories.

When you up your cutting protein, this can lead to an increase in muscle protein synthesis and a decrease in protein breakdown. By supplying your body with a higher level of protein, your body is more likely to gain lean muscle mass, strength and recover faster.

Since you’ll be increasing your cutting protein with a form of cutting weight supplement (shake), you’re more likely to lose fat rather than muscle mass.

Keeps you feeling fuller for longer

As well as supporting your workouts, cutting fat and protecting lean muscle mass, the best protein for leaning out also keeps you feeling full.

Not only does it make your entire cutting phase much easier – since you’re less inclined to snack – but it also helps you stay on track with your calorie intake. When looking for the best protein powder for cutting, opt for one that will keep you feeling full (25 to 30g of protein content) with low calories.

Also Read: How to lower your insulin and cut fat

Struggling with hunger during a cut? These types of cutting weight supplements (in the form of shakes!) also work well as a snack in between meals.

To put things into perspective in regards to hitting your cutting protein goals, five boiled eggs would equate to 30g of protein that you can quickly find in a protein shake.

Other protein benefits

With a higher thermic effect of feeding (TEF) in comparison to carbs or fat. This means that in order to burn protein, it requires more calories than fat or carbs.

However, don’t get too hung up on this fact, since it only plays a small role in your metabolism. But when you’re trying to get as lean as possible, every little helps, right?

What’s the best protein powder for cutting?

When you’re looking for the best muscle drinks out there, opt for those without added carbs, so you can stay on track with your calorie deficit – while getting a decent protein hit.

If you were looking to gain weight during a bulk – a protein shake with added carbs would be suitable.


A slow-releasing protein, casein has been shown to reduce muscle protein breakdown – so you can keep hold of your muscle mass during a cut.

Also Read: How much protein should you eat per day?

Since this ingredient is slow-releasing, it makes for a great evening snack, with some research showing that cutting weight supplements such as casein may improve body composition.

Protein blends

If you’re looking for the best protein for leaning out, a protein blend may do just the trick.

This type of protein shake will deliver the best of both worlds, with whey protein and casein helping to protect lean muscle while giving you maximum protein.

The theory has it that whey protein will work to increase muscle protein synthesis quickly and the casein will help to sustain an increased rate of muscle protein synthesis.

What about your calorie deficit?

In order to have a successful cut, you need a careful balance of a calorie deficit and a high protein diet.

This means that when searching for the best protein powder for cutting, you need to be opting for low-calorie options. No matter which dietary approach you follow (low carb, low fat, or a mix of both), cutting protein shakes can be utilized to great effect.

Cutting weight supplements that WORK

If you’re looking to shred fat FAST, our cutting supplements are super-effective in burning body fat, while protecting lean muscle mass.

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Get ready to get LEAN, build STRENGTH like never before and CUT through fat FAST.

Check out our cutting products and get lean fast!

Popular safe and legal steroid alternatives for cutting

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The Brutal Force Team

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