“Hi, basically guys I am a 53 year old male who was developing the ‘slump’, lots of fatigue, a gut that I wasn’t happy with and just lacking in self esteem.
I started training about a year ago, altering my diet, trying to be more positive but no matter what I did it was hard to make any developments, it’s tough for an oldie!!
I was having the normal protein shake and now I also have YKBulk and RADBulk.
A friend told me about RAD140 the actual SARM but I didn’t want to go down that path, so these natural supplements interested me.
So what’s happened so far? I have reached my target BMI weight at 75kg which was step 1, now I am putting on lean muscle, the pictures however do not do me justice it’s hard to take a selfie and tense at the same time :), and boy do I need a tan!!!
I didn’t want to ask my wife to take a photo, she may have thought I was being an idiot! But I can honestly say she comments a lot on how I am looking, so that is a reward that the ‘natural’ hard work is paving off.
Anyway all good at this end, I shall be placing another order soon I am half way through a cycle but need to allow time for delivery to Australia.”